Archive for December, 2011

The UAW’s Last Stand: Marxist Union Conquest Of Factories Worldwide

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Jared Law

Check out the discussion ‘The UAW’s Last Stand: Marxist Union Conquest Of Factories Worldwide’

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Discussion posted by Jared Law:

The United Auto Workers, as most 9.12’ers already know, has donated 98% of its political donations to Democrats between 1989 & 2010. I…

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The UAW’s Last Stand: Marxist Union Conquest Of Factories Worldwide

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Minnesota Land Right Fight: Commissioner Calls Constitution ‘Old Document’

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Jared Law

Check out the discussion ‘Minnesota Land Right Fight: Commissioner Calls Constitution ‘Old Document’’

Please take a look & let us know what you think!

Discussion posted by Jared Law:

Wow. I can smell the tyranny from here in Utah! This is a very disturbing story, yet I’m confident it’s playing itself out all around the…

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Minnesota Land Right Fight: Commissioner Calls Constitution ‘Old Document’

About The 9.12 Project Network
This Network is dedicated to the 9 Principles/12 Values of The 9.12 Project, and Defending the Constitution of the United States of America!
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Soviet Nighmares, Black Ravens: Beware Washington[ D.C.]’s ‘Benevolence!’

Help us Restore America!
Jared Law

Check out the discussion ‘Soviet Nighmares, Black Ravens: Beware Washington[ D.C.]’s ‘Benevolence!”

Please take a look & share your thoughts!

Discussion posted by Jared Law:

Who, or what, is the ‘Black Raven’ here in America, today? Is it the Barack Hussein Obama Regime? Or is it George Soros, one of his organ…

Discussion link:

Soviet Nighmares, Black Ravens: Beware Washington[ D.C.]’s ‘Benevolence!’

About The 9.12 Project Network
This Network is dedicated to the 9 Principles/12 Values of The 9.12 Project, and Defending the Constitution of the United States of America!
The 9.12 Project Network 44444 members
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Obama’s spiteful week-before-Christmas message

Barack Hussein Obama has tried to help the godless left bring down the curtain on Christmas. Ironically enough, at Christmas, a celebrating world brings the curtain down on him

Obama’s spiteful week-before-Christmas message


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 By Judi McLeod  Monday, December 19, 2011Obama’s Christmas messages this year not only ring out with insincerity and offer goodwill to none, but are more vile than ever.

As he prepares to head out to Blue Hawaii on a trip that one Hawaiian newspaper says will cost recession-bound taxpayers a whopping $4million, this is the email he sent out yesterday:


“Early this morning, the last of our troops left Iraq.

“As we honor and reflect on the sacrifices that millions of men and women made for this war, I wanted to make sure you heard the news.

“Bringing this war to a responsible end was a cause that sparked many Americans to get involved in the political process for the first time. Today’s outcome is a reminder that we all have a stake in our country’s future, and a say in the direction we choose.

“Thank you.


“Bringing this war to a responsible end was a cause that sparked many Americans to get involved in the political process for the first time?”

If that were truly the case, there would have been no need for “Barack” to send out Sunday’s message.

People were involved in the political process in America long before Obama ever came into office, and will be involved long after he’s gone.

Barack, who many insist on calling Barry, as in Soetoro, is preaching to the already converted lib-left.

Barry thinks he can cover in one glossed-over line how “we honor and reflect on the sacrifices that millions of men and women made for this war.”

But he wanted to make sure you heard the news that it was “early this morning” when “the last of our troops left Iraq.”

The loudest cheers to be heard over America’s departure from Iraq come from Obama’s radical friends Bill Ayers and Code Pink.

Americans who have always loved and honoured their troops, must outnumber Bill Ayers and Code Pink a thousand to one.

Chief intent of Obama’s message about the last troops leaving Iraq, was to demoralize the masses.

The week-before-Christmas message followed on the heels of the nebulous National defense Authorization Act, which some say opens the door for the military—led by the most anti-American president in history as their commander in chief—to ‘disappear’ dissidents.

Dissidents, Obama regime style, are Tea Party members, war vets and citizens with more than seven days worth of food stockpiled in modest homes.

Obama saw to it that as Americans were preparing for Christmas, they were saddled with the niggling worry of being detained indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay with the real terrorists.

“Are Americans really to be jailed at Gitmo?” asks

No, they are not.  Angling for total control, Barry Soetoro Obama wants Americans to think they will end up being thrown into Gitmo without trial and held there indefinitely.

Having everyday Americans worrying about being disappeared without trial is good enough for him.

Meanwhile, four million dollars doesn’t buy you happiness, it only buys you another lavish holiday, holed up with family and hanger-on friends.

It’s Christmas, and not a single soul looks at the delight in a child’s eyes and thinks of Obama; no one grateful to be surrounded by family at Christmas dinner thinks of the self-centered Obamas.

Each year since he’s been in the Oval Office,  Barack Hussein Obama has tried to help the godless left bring down the curtain on Christmas.  Ironically enough,  at Christmas, a celebrating world brings the curtain down on him.


Judi McLeod  Bio

Judi McLeod Most recent columns

Copyright © Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

Older articles by Judi McLeod

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Preparing for martial law

Preparing for martial law
Doug Hagmann Full Story

Was the timing merely serendipitous or is something else at play? Yesterday was the “birthday” of the United States Bill of Rights, which our forefathers ratified exactly 220 years ago. The same people who believe the constitution is a living, breathing document just put it on a respirator, metaphorically speaking, by passing the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA).  Obama has declared his intent to sign the legislation, despite initial indications from the White House of a veto (more on that dog-and-pony show later in this writing).
Lies, Damned Lies & Enviro-Fraud
Peter C. Glover Full Story

“The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda”. The late science writer Michael Crichton certainly put his finger on the spirit of our age.

Its TEAbow time!
A.J. Cameron Full Story

Its overtime, we’re down by trillions of dollars, the White House, Congressional Progressives and the environmental Nazis inside the EPA have shut down our economy, and we’re out of timeouts (continuing resolutions).  Its TEAbow time!  It is time to take control of the political line of scrimmage in the House and Senate, building a pocket for our new quarterback in the White House, and opening holes for common sense legislation.
Recovering the Spirit of Reagan
Tim Dunkin Full Story

As many astute, and perhaps many not so astute, observers have witnessed over the past few years, the Right—as a broad coalition of compatible movements and ideological subsets—has been floundering in its efforts to make any sort of substantial impact on our political system. This, despite the fact that polling year after year continues to show that self-described “conservatives” (and who knows how many more libertarians, a position that doesn’t get polled typically) make up a fairly substantial plurality among the electorate. We’ve seen popular movements like the Tea Parties explode onto the scene, representing the spontaneous will of the productive people of this nation, and we have seen them have a great deal of success in getting their candidates nominated and elected. Supposedly conservative Republicans regained the Congress which they had lost just four short years before, and appear poised to make further gains in 2012, especially against a widely distrusted and disliked President leading a broken and corrupt Party.
New Energy For Israel
Martin Beranek Full Story

Energy has always been the weak link in Israel’s thriving economy. Decades of digging and drilling yielded practically no hydrocarbons at all. Israel was forced to spend 5% of its GDP buying fuel from suppliers that did not have its interests at heart, and were often unreliable. At one point for instance, Israel purchased 40% of its natural gas from Egypt. But the pipeline across the Sinai has been bombed so many times there was often not enough time between explosions to get the gas flowing again. Post-Mubarak Egypt desperately needs the money to replace lost tourism revenue, but hatred of Israel trumps all.

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An Open Letter to the U.S. Supreme Court


Marion Valentine  Bio

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Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist(disabled)

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I suggest that every American display a flag and a cross in their front yard, and wear a flag and a cross pin on their clothing

An Open Letter to the U.S. Supreme Court


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 By Marion Valentine  Wednesday, August 24, 2011Honorable Justices;
By your ruling that prayers may no longer be allowed in schools or public places, and the banning of displaying symbols of the Christian faith, citing “Separation of Church and State”, which does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. Because prayers and the display of Christian symbols “offended” (nowhere in our Constitution does it give anyone the right to NOT be offended) a minute percentage of the American Population you trampled on the rights of the majority of Americans in the “Free Worship of their faith”. That the state cannot Prevent free worship IS in the constitution.

By ruling that abortion is a “freedom of choice” to appease a minority of the population, you violated the rights of the majority who think abortion is amoral and downright murder of an innocent life. The freedom of choice should be choosing to forgo the pleasure of conception. Your decision simply removes the responsibility of that choice.

By ruling that vulgar obscene language and images are expressions of art or freedom of speech, again demanded by a minute minority. the rights of the majority who think such things are sinful and amoral are ignored.
We the majority are tired of being ignored, and tired of the rewriting of our constitution by Judges.

The Constitution does not allow anyone to prevent me from free worship or displaying the symbol of my liberty

I am suggesting peaceful disobedience by Americans. I suggest that every American display a flag and a cross in their front yard, and wear a flag and a cross pin on their clothing.  When challenged simply say the Constitution does not allow anyone to prevent me from free worship or displaying the symbol of my liberty.

Supreme Court Justices come and go, and this era of complex web of legal jargon to confuse and deceive the population will pass, and a new court will emerge where the constitution is revered not seen as something to be changed, and common sense will prevail.

Complex things are woven for the sole purpose of deception, but the goal of intelligence is to render complex things simple.

If you agree with this pass it around, sign your name and send it to the Supreme Court, and display a flag and a cross in your front yard.

Like the Baptist preacher said when he ate, pushed back from the table and ate some more till he could no longer reach his plate…



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The Silent Majority

Know Your Enemy
Daniel Greenfield Full Story

image“The right wing extremist strains of Israeli Judaism are threatening to turn that ignition into a conflagration.” That quote comes from Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, the same Rabbi now being widely quoted for his bizarre Tim Tebow column. Or rather there are numerous articles quoting the column without mentioning his name or who he is.

This is not the article that I had planned to run tonight. That article has already been written and sits waiting. It may be timely, but it will have to wait until next week, because this is timelier and it needs to be said.
Compromise Sucks!
John Lillpop Full Story

Coming into 2011, things looked pretty good for conservatives.
The Silent Majority
Judi McLeod Full Story

imageEditor’s Note: The cry of the oppressed is coming out of the darkness into the light, country by country.

In another era it would have been buried under the mountains, drowned by tides, disappeared by gulag bureaucracies working under the cover of night.

But it is the Christmas Season of 2011 and the masses of the Silent Majority have something the politicians can not silence—the World Wide Web.

Farmers in the field, mothers bending over cradles—people everywhere—now sense that inexplicable tingle that something’s not right.
Christ and Capitalism
Dr. Brad Lyles M.D Full Story

If Christ were to endorse any worldly economic system, He would endorse Capitalism.

The Original Tea Party – December 16, 1773
Alan Caruba Full Story

imageThe modern-day Tea Party is a loose amalgamation of people who came together in March 2009 to protest against passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare. There was a large gathering in Washington, D.C. with estimates of several hundred thousand to a million participants.

There had been other events associated with the Tea Party movement and in the 2010 midterm elections the movement was credited with returning power to the Republican Party in the House of Representatives by supporting candidates that associated themselves with the movement. It is, however, not a political party in its own right.

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Compromise Sucks!

Compromise Sucks!

By John W. Lillpop

Coming into 2011, things looked pretty good for conservatives.

Barack Obama’s socialist policies were clearly not working and a huge majority of the voting public believed that the nation was headed in the wrong direction.

Conservatives had a golden opportunity to win the presidency and perhaps both the House and Senate in 2012.

Heady days, indeed, as Obama’s performance was so poor that a real conservative could prosper, which meant there was no need to compromise by nominating moderates or RINOs!

Now after a year of non-stop debates and humiliating mudslinging, conservatives are being told that it may be necessary to accept a candidate whose conservative credentials are dubious at best, non-existent at worse.

We are told that in order to rid the nation of Barack Obama, conservatives must settle for a “Second Choice” nominee, one with a history of weak-kneed flip flopping on issues like abortion, gay marriage, immigration, socialist health care, and fiscal constraint.

In other words, to interrupt the Marxist take-over of America, conservatives must nominate a man or woman whom is “Obama-light,” with respect to some of the major issues of the day.

How can this be happening to we the people?

What happened to ‘right-thinking’ warriors like John Bolton, Tom Tancredo, and other owners of unassailable conservative pedigree?

Why has Rick Santorum failed to round up any appreciable support? What happened to the Michele Bachmann surge that seemed so promising last spring?

Frankly, conservatives have a right—nay, make that a duty—to be upset.

Over the past few years, we have been forced to accept the likes of George H. Bush, George W. Bush, and John McCain, all whom claim to be conservative but whom think and act like liberals too damn often!

Compromise—it sucks and should be outlawed!

John W. Lillpop
San Jose, California

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The UN Climate Change Summit in Durban

OWS Not the Party Crashers but the Party Faithful
Judi McLeod Full Story

imageA Christmas gift for those on the ‘Who is Obama Hunt’: You can use downtime between Christmas and New Year’s this year to to learn everything you need to know about where the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama is leading the Free World.

While Barack and Michelle are basking in Hawaiian sunlight, you can find out who Obama really is.  DNA is not needed because the true Obama can be found in Marxism.
The UN Climate Change Summit in Durban
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh Full Story

imageThe UN Climate Change Summit in Durban has outlined the mandate to “respect the rights of Mother Earth” by paying a “climate debt,” a slush fund to bankroll the activities of a one-world government. I bet you did not know that Mother Earth had rights.

Lord Christopher Monckton said that the treaty “calls for the west to achieve 50 percent CO2 emissions reduction within the next eight years, a feat that would completely bankrupt the global economy and spark a new great depression, as well as a more than 100 percent reduction by 2050, which presumably could only be accomplished by killing billions of humans to prevent them from exhaling carbon dioxide.”
Will Mitt’s Big Bet be a Deal-Breaking Campaign Faux Pas?
Doug Patton Full Story

For those of us who thrive on politics, there are certain watershed moments that convince us immediately when a candidate has just won or lost an election. My first such memory took place in 1960. John F. Kennedy was debating Richard Nixon. I remember watching that debate with my dad on our old black-and-white Philco and thinking to myself, “Nixon sure is sweating a lot. That doesn’t look good.” It wasn’t, and he lost.
Fear of a Lonely Planet
Daniel Greenfield Full Story

imageThe left-of-center European press has responded to Prime Minister Cameron’s veto of EU 2.0 with all the hysteria of a man on a desert island who sees the rescue plane flying off into the distance. Equal to them is the American press which is already barking that if we don’t sign on to Durban’s boondoggle and accept a global environmental court, then we have doomed the planet.

This pathological drive toward regional and global union regardless of the negatives seems more like a neurotic reaction than serious policy. Is the UK really doomed outside of the EU, especially since for all the hyperbole it isn’t anywhere near to being outside the EU, and is a failure to create another disastrous bureaucracy in the name of saving the planet from disaster really going to doom the human race?
White Sands National Monument
John Treadwell Dunbar Full Story

imageThings have never been the same after July 16, 1945 when they blew up the “gadget” on the northern fringes of the White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico, the largest military installation in the United States. Regrettably called the Trinity site, this historic landmark is where an atomic bomb perched atop a 100-foot tower made quite the splash as the first of its kind, casting radioactive fallout far and wide, most of which drifted north and east. But lingering radioactive contamination from that 200-yard-wide fireball that melted sand to glass was the least of my worries as I wandered dazed and delighted through the heart of 115-square-miles of rolling dunes within White Sands National Monument (WSNM), roughly 60 miles south of that exploding nuclear implosion.

I was more worried about going blind without my sunglasses, slogging among sugar-white, rippling hills of bone-dry snow, up one cone and down the other, or getting turned around out there and dying a lonely parched death by thirst among the vastness, swallowed up by a rolling ocean of bleached gypsum with camera in hand, clicking and snapping as I captured in digital bits and bytes the end of my life and the perennially shifting contours of this grainy surface of moon on earth.

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Regime Manipulates Numbers to Get Unemployment Headline Under 9%

Regime Manipulates Numbers to Get Unemployment Headline Under 9%

(Rush Limbaugh) – BEGIN TRANSCRIPT

RUSH: I don’t want to be an I told you so, but I told you so, and I told you so five weeks ago. Gallup, every week, puts out their own unemployment numbers and Gallup has been signaling that this day unemployment below 9% was coming. They’ve been blatantly saying so, based on their own unemployment data which is not related to the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. It’s their own surveys; and in the last five weeks, occasionally they will say that their numbers that they come out with on a Wednesday or Thursday indicate that we’re getting very close to a Bureau of Labor Statistics unemployment number of under 9%. I said, “The regime needs this, and when we finally get to under 9%, it will be eight-point-something, but the point-what won’t matter. The only number that’s going to matter is the eight.

“It could be 8.9; it won’t be 8.9, it will be ‘8.’” Well, it’s 8.6, but it doesn’t matter, it’s eight; and predictably, the media’s all over it, and that’s the headline. You know, I got up this morning and I did the show prep routine and one of the first places I always go is Drudge and I saw it right there in red, and it’s 8.6, and that’s all it said, and I knew what it was. It’s Friday, and I didn’t need to know anything else. I knew that was the unemployment number, 8.6, and that’s all anybody else is gonna hear. They’re not gonna dig deep and find out how it happened. Some people have, some people are. There’s a slight bit of reservation in certain sectors of the Drive-By Media. But most of the Drive-By Media is doing hosannas and hallelujah and merry…

Well, Happy Holidays. They don’t do Merry Christmas in the media. But we’re back, it’s done, they got the headline: “Unemployment, 8.6%!” Now, the truth of the matter is — and Bloomberg News even points out that the only way — it’s a corrupt number. It is a corrupt number. Folks, the number of people who have quit looking for work in the last few weeks is 315,000. Those are the people have thrown up their hands after 99 weeks or more of being unemployed; and they’ve said, “I’m quitting. I’m not looking.” So they’re not counted. Therefore, the universe of jobs available in the country is down by 315,000. That is the labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is a meager 64%. It fell to 64% from 64.2%. So the 0.2% drop equals 315,000 people leaving the workforce.

That means there are 315,000 fewer jobs to have, so the universe of jobs has been steadily shrinking. What was the number of jobs created? It’s 120,000 jobs. It’s a 120, 126,000, whatever. That’s in the ballpark. That number of jobs created can lower unemployment rate 0.4%, almost one half of a percent? Creating 120,000 new jobs can do that? That alone tells us how small the labor force participation rate is. That tells us how small the universe of available jobs in the country is, when creating 120,000 — and we still have, don’t forget, over 400,000 applications for unemployment compensation reported yesterday. So just 120,000 new jobs can lower the unemployment rate almost a half a point. That’s not possible without that 315,000 figure, the 315,000 people who have just walked away.

Bloomberg News is even reporting this means that more people left the workforce than got jobs. Now, stop and think of this. More people left the workforce than got jobs, and the unemployment rate goes down? We’re dealing here with a serious form of corruption, manipulation of data; but, we all knew it was coming. After all, we’re talking about the regime. We knew this was coming. We know the fact, we know the histoire, that no president’s been reelected with an unemployment rate higher than 8%. So here we are 11 months away from the next election, voila! Heading into the Christmas, slash, holiday season, and we’re at 8.6%, the 0.6 doesn’t matter, we’re at 8%. And the media is having orgasms out there, O-gasms.

But everybody in the country knows the economy is not growing, that new jobs are not being created a massive, robust way that signals, or feels like economic growth. But the sad thing is that all these details that I have provided — probably, sadly — won’t even matter because the regime has gotten the headline that it wanted. It got 8.6. The regime got unemployment 8.6%. That’s what they wanted; that’s what they got. All these other details are irrelevant. Now, this is the U3 unemployment rate. The U6 unemployment rate counts the 315,000. The U3 is a government marker. U3 is what is reported. The U6 unemployment number counts the 315,000 who have given up looking for a gig. The U6 unemployment number is around 16, 17% — and that’s real unemployment.

The job universe from January 2009 when Obama was immaculated to the present is down about 2.5 million jobs. There are 2.5 million fewer jobs in our country in the two and a half, almost three years now that Obama has been in orifice — and that’s the dirty little secret. You shrink the workforce by two, 2.5 million people is the only way you can report the unemployment rate going down. More people leave the workforce than found jobs, and the unemployment rate went down a half a point. So again we are being massaged, we are being spun, we are being inundated with corrupt numbers, but it was all predictable, all understandable. Again, so small has the employment universe become — so small, so many people having dropped out of the system altogether…

No longer counted, is what that means, as being unemployed. No longer counted as being alive in terms of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When you quit looking for a job, you’re only counted in that U6 number, which is not the one that’s reported. The U3 number is. So you drop out of the system altogether, you’re no longer counted by the Obama regime. A mere 126,000 job increase drops unemployment rate almost one half of a percentage point. This is nothing more than the government manipulating the real work situation that exists in the country. It’s all calculated to create a false impression of economic recovery and a healthier job market. It’s truly outrageous — and watch how the Obama media cronies regurgitate this propaganda for the most part. Watch how they’ll all fall in line. You’ve probably heard it already this morning. I have examples of it here in the sound bite roster, but I don’t… Ah, I’ll probably play a couple of them just for the fun of it.


RUSH: Let me give you another way of illustrating what the regime did to get to this unemployment number, and it is very similar to how baseline budgeting works. Another way of looking at this is this. You had 120,000 jobs that were created. You have 315,000 people who dropped out. What you do is add those together and you get a number 435,000, and that 435,000 the government today says are no longer unemployed. So 435,000 jobs created… No. No, no. Let’s not go that far. So, 435,000 people no longer unemployed results in an unemployment rate dropping from 9.0 to 8.6. See how that works? This is what they do. This is what they did.

This is how it happens: 120,000 people find work, 315,000 quit looking; those 315,000 are no longer called unemployed. That’s the U3 clarification, qualification. U3 is made up of people looking for work and people who have lost their jobs and so forth. The 315,000 stop looking. They are added to those who are unemployed, and you get a grand total of 435,000. That’s how it happens. It’s almost a dead returning for the fraud and the misleading way that budgeting is done, baseline budgeting, such as there are never any cuts. Even with the super committee, there aren’t gonna be any cuts in spending. There are just going to be reductions in what was projected to be spent.

They’re still gonna spend more, just not as much as was projected in the current services baseline. That’s what it’s actually called: Current services, meaning what is at present being spent is the baseline. Not zero, but what’s presently being spent or at present. And then if you add 10% to what is being spent as a projection, it’s what we’re gonna spend next year and you only spend 7% of it, “Oh, no, that’s a 3% cut in that department! That’s a Draconian cut of 3%. We were gonna spend 10%, and you’re only gonna spend 7%!” It’s a 3% cut. That’s how baseline budgeting works. It’s the same thing here with the unemployment number.


RUSH: Here’s Mary in Chicago as we go back to the phones. Great to have you with us. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. It’s an honor and a pleasure to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I had a question for you regarding that 8.6% unemployment rate that was reported. I was wondering if you know whether there are other government programs that people are taking advantage of and switching over. There aren’t too many people like your first caller who is obviously very honorable and doesn’t want to accept disability payments. There’s a lot of people who want to take advantage of the system and perhaps two years of unemployment is not enough, so they figure, “Hey, let me get on a better plan, maybe I can get on Social Security disability in addition to some food stamps and some other programs and take advantage of the government that way.” Do you have any information on what the statistics are on those other plans?

RUSH: Well, in relation of one program to the next, no. But I can tell you that the number of people on food stamps is at an all-time high, and we’ve gone up. Just in the years that Obama’s been president we’ve increased it by 5%, I think it’s from 20 to 25% or 40 to 42. It’s 44.5 million people, and more than one program these people are availing themselves of — and by design. It’s the Democrat Party buying votes via dependency.



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