Archive for June, 2009

Glenn Beck: The Letter

Audio Available: 

June 17, 2009 – 10:36 ET

Glenn Beck’s Common Sense
Now available in book stores nationwide…

GLENN: I got a letter from a woman in Arizona. She
writes an open letter to our nation’s leadership: I’m a home grown
American citizen, 53, registered Democrat all my life. Before the last presidential election I registered as a Republican because I no longer felt the Democratic Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. Now I no longer feel the Republican Party represents my views or works to pursue issues important to me. The fact is I no longer feel any political party or representative in Washington represents my views or works to pursue the issues important to me. There must be someone. Please tell me who you are. Please stand up and tell me that you are there
and that you’re willing to fight for our Constitution as it was
written. Please stand up now. You might ask yourself what my views and
issues are that I would horribly feel so disenfranchised by both major
political parties. What kind of nut job am I? Will you please tell me?

Well, these are briefly my views and issues for which I seek representation:

One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. No amnesty, not again. Been there, done that, no resolution. P.S., I’m not a racist. This isn’t to be confused with legal immigration.

Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway. I want the remaining unfunded 95% repealed. Freeze, repeal.

Three: Czars, I want the circumvention of our checks and balances stopped immediately. Fire the czars. No more czars. Government officials answer to the process, not to the president. Stop trampling on our Constitution and honor it.

Four, cap and trade. The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say.

Five, universal healthcare. I will not be rushed into another expensive decision. Don’t you dare try to pass this in the middle of the night and then go on break. Slow down!

Six, growing government control. I want states rights and
sovereignty fully restored. I want less government in my life, not
more. Shrink it down. Mind your own business. You have enough to take
care of with your real obligations. Why don’t you start there.

Seven, ACORN. I do not want ACORN and its affiliates in charge of our 2010 census. I want them investigated. I also do not want mandatory escrow fees contributed to them every time on every real estate deal that closes. Stop the funding to ACORN and its affiliates pending impartial audits and investigations. I do not trust them with taking the census over with our taxpayer money. I don’t trust them with our taxpayer money. Face up to the allegations against them and get it resolved before taxpayers get any more involved with them. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, hello. Stop protecting your political buddies. You work for us, the people. Investigate.

Eight, redistribution of wealth. No, no, no. I work for my money. It
is mine. I have always worked for people with more money than I have
because they gave me jobs. That is the
only redistribution of wealth that I will support. I never got a job
from a poor person. Why do you want me to hate my employers? Why ‑‑
what do you have against shareholders making a profit?

Nine, charitable contributions. Although I never got a job from a poor person, I have helped many in need. Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Butt out, please. We want to do it ourselves.

Ten, corporate bailouts. Knock it off. Sink or swim like the rest of us. If there are hard times ahead, we’ll be better off just getting into it and letting the strong survive. Quick and painful. Have you ever ripped off a Band‑Aid? We will pull together. Great things happen in America under great hardship. Give us the chance to innovate. We cannot disappoint you more than you have disappointed us.

Eleven, transparency and accountability. How about it? No, really, how about it? Let’s have it. Let’s say we give the
buzzwords a rest and have some straight honest talk. Please try ‑‑
please stop manipulating and trying to appease me with clever wording.
I am not the
idiot you obviously take me for. Stop sneaking around and meeting in
back rooms making deals with your friends. It will only be a prelude to
your criminal investigation. Stop hiding things from me.

Twelve, unprecedented quick spending. Stop it now.

Take a breath. Listen to the people. Let’s just slow down and get some input from some nonpoliticians on the
subject. Stop making everything an emergency. Stop speed reading our
bills into law. I am not an activist. I am not a community organizer.
Nor am I a terrorist, a militant or a violent person. I am a parent and
a grandparent. I work. I’m busy. I’m busy. I am busy, and I am tired. I
thought we elected competent people to take care of the
business of government so that we could work, raise our families, pay
our bills, have a little recreation, complain about taxes, endure our
hardships, pursue our personal goals, cut our lawn, wash our cars on the weekends and be responsible contributing members of society and teach our children to be the same all while living in the home of the free and land of the brave.

I entrusted you with upholding the Constitution. I believed in the checks
and balances to keep from getting far off course. What happened? You
are very far off course. Do you really think I find humor in the
hiring of a speed reader to unintelligently ramble all through a bill
that you signed into law without knowing what it contained? I do not.
It is a mockery of the responsibility I have entrusted to you. It is a slap in the
face. I am not laughing at your arrogance. Why is it that I feel as if
you would not trust me to make a single decision about my own life and
how I would live it but you should expect that I should trust you with the debt that you have laid on all of us and our children. We did not want the TARP bill. We said no. We would repeal it if we could. I am sure that we still cannot. There is such urgency and recklessness in all of the recent spending.

From my perspective, it seems that all of you have gone insane. I also know that I am far from alone in these
feelings. Do you honestly feel that your current pursuits have merit to
patriotic Americans? We want it to stop. We want to put the brakes on everything that is being rushed by us and forced upon us. We want our voice back. You have forced us to put our lives on hold to straighten out the
mess that you are making. We will have to give up our vacations, our
time spent with our children, any relaxation time we may have had and
money we cannot afford to spend on you to bring our concerns to
Washington. Our president often knows all the right buzzword is unsustainable. Well, no kidding. How many tens of thousands of dollars did the focus group cost to come up with that word? We don’t want your overpriced words. Stop treating us like we’re morons.

We want all of you to stop focusing on your reelection and do the job we want done, not the job you want done or the job your party wants done. You work for us and at this rate I guarantee you not for long because we are coming. We will be heard and we will be represented. You think we’re so busy with our lives that we will never come for you? We are the formerly silent majority, all of us who quietly work , pay taxes, obey the law, vote, save money, keep our noses to the grindstone and we are now looking up at you. You have awakened us, the patriotic spirit so strong and so powerful that it had been sleeping too long. You have pushed us too far. Our numbers are great. They may surprise you. For every one of us who will be there, there will be hundreds more that could not come. Unlike you, we have their trust. We will represent them honestly, rest assured. They will be at the polls on voting day to usher you out of office. We have cancelled vacations. We will use our last few dollars saved. We will find the representation among us and a grassroots campaign will flourish. We didn’t ask for this fight. But the
gloves are coming off. We do not come in violence, but we are angry.
You will represent us or you will be replaced with someone who will. There are candidates among us when he will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes that you have made of our constitution.

Democrat, Republican, independent, libertarian. Understand this. We
don’t care. Political parties are meaningless to us. Patriotic
Americans are willing to do right by us and our Constitution and that
is all that matters to us now. We are going to fire all of you who
abuse power and seek more. It is not your power. It is ours and we want
it back. We entrusted you with it and you abused it. You are
dishonorable. You are dishonest. As Americans we are ashamed of you.
You have brought shame to us. If you are not representing the wants and needs of your constituency loudly and consistently, in spite of the objections of your party, you will be fired. Did you hear? We no longer care about your political parties. You need to be loyal to us, not to them. Because we will get you fired and they
will not save you. If you do or can represent me, my issues, my views,
please stand up. Make your identity known. You need to make some noise
about it. Speak up. I need to know who you are. If you do not speak up,
you will be herded out with the rest of the sheep and we will replace the
whole damn congress if need be one by one. We are coming. Are we coming
for you? Who do you represent? What do you represent? Listen. Because
we are coming. We the people are coming.

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“A Prophetic Perspective From 1975”

"A Prophetic
Perspective From

 By Ron Ewart,

National Association of Rural

©  Copyright June 29,
2009 – All Rights Reserved



I have warned
of the events that have transpired from government excesses and citizen apathy
for a very long time.  My interest in politics, freedom, liberty and
property rights in general, began well over 30 years
ago.  In researching my early writings I ran across a letter to the
editor I wrote in September of 1975.  It warned of the very same things
that are happening today.  The letter was written just after the
primary election of that year, when only 17% of the eligible voters voted. 
I was only 37 years old at the time and still my perception of that "present"
and the impending future were dead on, as they are today.  And as it seems,
not many folks were listening then and way too few are listening
now.  The twin evils of apathy and government excesses are still with us in
abundance and growing.  The "absolute" in all
this is that the one, "apathy", begets the other,
"government excesses"  The 1975 letter-to the-editor went like
"In recent years I’ve taken a greater interest in
newspaper editorials, featured columnists, as well as letters to the
editor.  I’ve enjoyed the TV documentaries as they define, or at least
attempt to define, some of the more glaring ills of our growing society.  I
can only hope that this information gives me, at the very least, an apparent
representation of what is truly happening in America
"For the most part the trend in the media seems to
be defining a departure by many, but certainly not all people of the United
States, from some values that are interwoven within the very fibers of our
inherent strength, capabilities and heritage.  Values such as the validity
of a man’s, or a woman’s, word; his honor, his pride in himself and his work,
his integrity, his responsibility to his family, his community and to his
"I see a rising tide of bureaucracy, social-ism,
welfare-ism, unemployment-ism, overt union-ism, riots and radical cults, like
environmentalist-sim.  I see a decrease in morality.  I see a decrease
in the quality of and pride in workmanship.  I see profiteering
without regard to quality of product or service.  I see an aimless drifting
into a material world with the idea of getting as much as you can and giving as
little as possible."
"For all this pressure and candor from the
(now almost non-existent today) and its
concerned citizenry, nothing is apparently happening in the right
direction.  I see individuals trying, but hopelessly drowned in the
mire.  Government, business and labor just keep getting larger and more
complex, more out of hand, unmanageable.  Individual man is losing
control.  And then, in last Tuesday’s primary election the reasons for the
growing ills became crystal clear."
"All 17% of you who decided to vote along side of me
in our local elections, I commend and applaud you for whatever your reasons for
voting.  To the 83% of you (83%, can you fathom that?)
who abdicated your responsibility and the welfare of your life, livelihood and
freedom, I can only extend to you my indignation and
"All you union people crying for more, more, more;
all you older generation crying nobody’s taking care of us poor older folk; all
you welfare takers and homeless with your hands out for a handout; all you
young people wallowing in your irresponsibility; all you business people
lobbying government for more protection.  Each and everyone of you
have forgotten why and how you came about possessing the great privilege to live
in a free society and the heavy price paid to maintain
"Many years ago, around the time the Declaration was
written, a famous man said: "
The Price of Liberty is Eternal
".   This is not only appropriate to the
defense against the enemies we can see, but it is doubly appropriate to the
defense of the enemy we can’t see.  That dreaded enemy of all. 
Apathy!  Time is running out as the door to freedom is almost closed. 
And when the giant door of liberty clangs shut in your forlorn faces and the
last faint ring fades quietly into obscurity, may each of you remember in
anguish, the opportunity you had to keep that door open and may your
inaction burn forever in your memories, like a red hot branding iron on
your bare skin."
That was 1975 and not much has changed since then.  If
anything, it has gotten much worse.  The only bright spot is that
government is now over-reaching so far beyond their constitutional limits, that
more people are waking up to what their apathy has wrought.  As they wake
up, their anger is rising rapidly.
But even well before 1975, 1957 to be exact, another
author predicted the future for America in exquisite detail.  That
author was Ayn Rand in her novel, "Atlas Shrugged".  She
accurately predicted the sad state of America as it exists today. 
Let me close by repeating a few lines from the
end of John Galt’s speech to the Nation, from Ayn Rand’s book: 
"In the name of the values that keep you alive,
do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the
mindless in those who have never achieved.  Do not lose your knowledge that
man’s proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that
travels unlimited roads.  Do not let your fire go out, spark by
irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite,
the not-yet, the not-at-all.  Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in
lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to
reach.  Check your road and the nature of your battle.  The world you
desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it’s

"But to
win it requires your total dedication and a total break with the world of your
past, with the doctrine that man is a sacrificial animal who exists for the
pleasure of others.  Fight for the value of your person. Fight for the
virtue of your pride.  Fight for the essence of that which is man: for his
sovereign rational mind.  Fight with the radiant certainty and the absolute
rectitude of knowing that yours is the Morality of Life and that yours is the
battle for any achievement, any value, any grandeur, any goodness, any joy that
has ever existed on this earth.

"You will
win when you are ready to pronounce the oath I have taken at the start of my
battle—and for those who wish to know the day of my return, I shall now repeat
it to the hearing of the world:

swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of
another man, nor ask another man to live for

What John Galt has said in his speech in the book Atlas Shrugged, is the
very essence of individual liberty, the irrevocable gift from our creator. 
It is the substance of what millions of men and women have died for in the
defense of freedom.  No matter what you may think about his words or his
oath, they are not a repudiation of compassion, as compassion is
an act of volition ….. an act of free choice.  Compassion
is not and never should be, a mandate from government.
It is clear.  The window for free Americans to save individual liberty
is rapidly closing.  The time and the place to act are right now. 
There may never be another chance, our situation being that




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What is hidden behind the curtain?



Marion A. Valentine U.S. Navy Intelligence/Cryptologist(disabled)

Marion can be reached at

Most Recent Articles:

What is hidden behind the curtain? – Apr 16, 2009

Coming soon the new ‘improved’ America – Apr 4, 2009

The puppetmaster sleazy attempts to silence conservatives – Mar 29, 2009

‘Stealth Government’ Closing in behind the smoke screen, while you were sleeping – Mar 21, 2009

Pursuant to Title 17 U.S.C. 107, other copyrighted work is provided for
educational purposes, research, critical comment, or debate without
profit or payment. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for your own purposes beyond the ‘fair use’ exception, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Views are those of authors and not necessarily those of Canada Free Press. Content is Copyright 2008 the individual authors.

Site Copyright 2008 CanadaFreePress.Com Privacy Statement

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Democrat Says Gov’t Doesn’t Have to ‘Live Within Our Means’

American Politics

Democrat Says Gov’t Doesn’t Have to ‘Live Within Our Means’

 By Warner Todd Huston
California Budget Conference Committee Chairman Noreen Evans

These People Truly Hate America

 By Doug Patton
Largest tax increase in the nation’s history, Cap-and-Trade bill

Obamacare Ain’t Good Enough For Them…

 By Bob Parks
America’s health care industry

Thank Benedict Arnold RINO snakes for Cap and Trade

 By Jerry McConnell
EIGHT traitors MUST be voted out of office in 2010

The Government Can’t Even Spell ‘Health’ Right

 By Matthew Vadum
The Heallth Care Status Quo: Why America Needs Health Reform

Why Doesn’t Obama Care About Freedom?

 By Cliff Kincaid
Far-left nature of the President’s policies toward Latin America

Betrayed by Congress

 By Alan Caruba
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Obama’s Census to castrate American Caucasians

 By Dr. Paul L. Williams
The Big Fix, Racial Bias

June 25, 2009: A Day That Will Live in Infamy?

 By John Lillpop
Iran, North Korea, US Economy, ignored for Michael Jackson

Bush was right after all

 By Editor
President George W Bush’s sledgehammer, ‘with us or against us’, approach

Nationwide Protest against Obama’s Cap and Trade

 By Sher Zieve
Cap and Trade is about money and power for the US’ now-ruling elite

American Freedom

A Prophetic Perspective From 1975

 By Ron Ewart
The twin evils of apathy and government excesses

HR 2749 – The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009

 By Online
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is opposed to HR 2749

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Obama stands with Castro, Chavez and Ortega

June 29, 2009
Posted by Scott at 6:21 AM

President Obama sides with the Fidel Castro and this thug epigones Hugo
Chavez and Daniel Ortega. As the Honduran President Mel Zelaya sought
to conduct an illegal referendum to extend his rule, the Honduran
military sought to enforce the rule of law by removing Zelaya from the
scene. Mary Anastasia Grady explains:

Yesterday the Central American country was being pressured to
restore the authoritarian Mr. Zelaya by the likes of Fidel Castro,
Daniel Ortega, Hillary Clinton and, of course, Hugo himself. The
Organization of American States, having ignored Mr. Zelaya’s abuses,
also wants him back in power. It will be a miracle if Honduran patriots
can hold their ground.

That Mr. Zelaya acted as if he were above the law, there is no doubt.
While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to
open that door does not lie with the president. A constituent assembly
can only be called through a national referendum approved by its

But Mr. Zelaya declared the vote on his own and had Mr. Chávez ship
him the necessary ballots from Venezuela. The Supreme Court ruled his
referendum unconstitutional, and it instructed the military not to
carry out the logistics of the vote as it normally would do.

The top military commander, Gen. Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, told the
president that he would have to comply. Mr. Zelaya promptly fired him.
The Supreme Court ordered him reinstated. Mr. Zelaya refused.

Calculating that some critical mass of Hondurans would take his
side, the president decided he would run the referendum himself. So on
Thursday he led a mob that broke into the military installation where
the ballots from Venezuela were being stored and then had his
supporters distribute them in defiance of the Supreme Court’s order.

The attorney general had already made clear that the referendum was
illegal, and he further announced that he would prosecute anyone
involved in carrying it out. Yesterday, Mr. Zelaya was arrested by the
military and is now in exile in Costa Rica.

It remains to be seen what Mr. Zelaya’s next move will be. It’s not
surprising that chavistas throughout the region are claiming that he
was victim of a military coup. They want to hide the fact that the
military was acting on a court order to defend the rule of law and the
constitution, and that the Congress asserted itself for that purpose,

Mrs. Clinton has piled on as well. Yesterday she accused Honduras of
violating "the precepts of the Interamerican Democratic Charter" and
said it "should be condemned by all." Fidel Castro did just that. Mr.
Chávez pledged to overthrow the new government.

Honduras is fighting back by strictly following the constitution.
The Honduran Congress met in emergency session yesterday and designated
its president as the interim executive as stipulated in Honduran law.
It also said that presidential elections set for November will go
forward. The Supreme Court later said that the military acted on its
orders. It also said that when Mr. Zelaya realized that he was going to
be prosecuted for his illegal behavior, he agreed to an offer to resign
in exchange for safe passage out of the country. Mr. Zelaya denies it.

Many Hondurans are going to be celebrating Mr. Zelaya’s foreign
excursion. Street protests against his heavy-handed tactics had already
begun last week. On Friday a large number of military reservists took
their turn. "We won’t go backwards," one sign said. "We want to live in
peace, freedom and development."

Besides opposition from the Congress, the Supreme Court, the
electoral tribunal and the attorney general, the president had also
become persona non grata with the Catholic Church and numerous
evangelical church leaders. On Thursday evening his own party in
Congress sponsored a resolution to investigate whether he is mentally
unfit to remain in office.

By contrast with his dithering on Iran, President Obama has
immediately sorted out the rights and wrongs of the situation.
Unfortunately, he sorted them out and cast his lot with Zelaya. Obama
is "deeply concerned" about the ouster of a tyrannical president exceeding the bounds of his lawful authority:

"I am deeply concerned by reports coming out of Honduras regarding
the detention and expulsion of President Mel Zelaya. As the
Organization of American States did on Friday, I call on all political
and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of
law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Any
existing tensions and disputes must be resolved peacefully through
dialogue free from any outside interference."

Here, however, the military has sought to preserve the rule of law against the president’s lawless efforts to extend his rule. Why is Obama standing with Castro, Chavez and Ortega to support Zelaya? The company he’s keeping should give him a clue, but one begins to wonder if he likes it.

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Informative Articles from CFP

Iran Uprising

It might save their lives: Tips to defend against Basij

 By Editor
Defending yourself when attacked by Basij or Security forces

The Internal Conflict in Iran

Recent events exceed all previous episodes since the 1979 revolution, a split in the religious leadership

Latest on Twitter: “Army Helicopter droping Chemicals on ppl”

 By Editor

American Politics

Waxman-Markey pre-vote count…

 By Steve Milloy
Waxman-markey pre-liminary head-count

Crazy Cost of Obamacare Killing Chances for ‘Reform’

 By Warner Todd Huston
Healthcare: What does ‘fixing’ mean

Hawaii County Councilman: Release Guantanamo detainees in Hawaii

 By Andrew Walden
Bermuda, Palau, Hawaii, illegal Islamist combatants

Obama’s Health Care Reform in Trouble

 By Phyllis Schlafly
Obama: "The cost of inaction is greater," accusing critics of "fear tactics" about "socialized medicine."

Everyday Americans Like Dennis Lamb Make Great Candidates for the GOP

 By Yomin Postelnik
National Security, Economic Growth, Education, Healthcare

Put a lock on your underwear drawer….the census questions are coming

 By Dr. Laurie Roth
Census bureau, ACORN, How safe is the information?

Waxman-Markey: Man-Made Disaster

 By IBD Editorials
Anti-stimulus package that in the name of saving the earth will destroy the American economy.

Obama Wants to Let Those Pesky Geezers Die

 By Matthew Vadum
Medical decisions should be made by patients, their families, and their doctors, not by government bureaucrats, ObamaCare

Quote Of The Day

 By Bob Parks
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Obama’s "appalled and outraged"

Afraid of defeat: Al Gore cancels DC trip on behalf of Waxman-Markey

 By Steve Milloy
Gore to lobby House Democrats on Waxman-Markey

The Obama Olympics

 By Aaron Goldstein
Chicago, 2016 Summer Olympics, President Obama established a White House Olympics office

American Freedom

Don’t allow turf wars or pettiness to sidetrack Tea Party movement

 By Lloyd Marcus
Patriots, our ultimate goal to Take Back America

Government Gone Mad in a Total Surveillance Society

 By Tom Deweese
Department of Homeland Security, REAL ID, E-Verify, Traffic Light Cameras, Secuirty Cameras

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Americans Start to Turn On Obama

International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse

 By Congressman Ron Paul
Billions loaned to the international monetary fund while the US economy is suffering

Washington Says Taliban Is Not a Terrorist Organization

 By Diana West
Obama administration has done a complete 180 from Bush

To Pay for Obamacare, Tax Raises for America… Except Union Members

 By Warner Todd Huston
Senator Max Baucus, $1Billion new tax on employees

Why Iran’s June Revolt Emphasizes Obama’s Absence of Leadership

 By Daniel Greenfield
Administration is pursuing a diplomatic war against Israel to overthrow
a democratic government and establish a terrorist state

A Cancer In The Capitol Is Killing Us

 By JR Dieckmann
A disease called progressive socialism

National Socialism II- Only the names have been changed

 By John Burtis
Nazi German plenipotentiary or Obama’s Czar

Conservatives Had Better Get A Leader Soon

 By Jerry McConnell
Conservatives comprise the largest ideological group in the U.S.

Obama Quietly Pushing Back Healthcare Deadline to December?

 By Warner Todd Huston
Obama’s healthcare bill

ACORN International Changes Its Name. Why?

 By Matthew Vadum
Huge rebranding effort in order to reinvent itself, Community Organizations International

Americans Start to Turn On Obama

 By Robert Moon
Disastrous attacks on our Constitution, greatest destruction of wealth in human history

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By: Marion Valentine
February 26, 2009 at 7:04 pm

I first started researching Obama and his associates two years ago. I
thought He was just a puppet for the Socialist who wanted to gain
control of this country.

The more I researched and connected
daily events the more I became convinced that it is a plan by
Communists for world domination.

My back ground for research: I
spent nine years in Navy Intelligence, the last six of which was spent
in studying past actions, current actions by the Socialists and using
the best intelligence available predicting what the future actions and
outcomes would be.

In a previous article “America In Peril” In
past events I listed the background of Frank Marshal Davis (Obama’s
mentor) The goals of the Communist Party USA as entered in the
Congressional Record In June, 1963, to illustrate how many of those
goals had already been accomplished, and to show that one of the goals
was to recruit and train selected people to run for office. I added
transcripts of an interview with Yuri Bezmenov (a KGB agent who
defected in 1970 and taped the interview in 1984) to show how the goals
had been accomplished.
I Linked Obama to the New Party which is just
another name for the Communist Party usa, and posted a press release
from the New Party showing that indeed Obama was a member when he ran
for the Illinois Senate seat.

Next I listed the provisions of
the Biden Crime Act, and a list of Executive Orders, that when envoked
will virtually give Obama Dictator status.

Recent events lead me to believe that the plan is far more reaching than just turning America into a Socialist country.

blockage of any attempts to regulate Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac by the
Democrats from 1998-2006 ensured they would crash, which they did in
Sept. 2007. But the most telling of all events was the 2 hour run on
the banks in Sept. 2008 to the tune of 550 billion dollars.
Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania said that if authorities had not closed
the banks, $5 ½ TRILLION would have been withdrawn from US banks, which
would have caused the collapse of the US and within 24 hours the
collapse of the world’s economic system.

Who but Obama’s
Puppetmasters George Soros and the 100+ members of the Democracy
Alliance have enough money in money market funds to execute such a run
on the banks.

There is nothing illegal about withdrawing one’s
own money from the bank, but this much at one time caused panic, at the
precise time John McCain had just pulled a couple of points ahead of
Obama in the National Polls.

Was this the Puppetmasters warning
to the world and to George Bush, that if they did not accept a Global
Socialist world Order their economy would collapse.

Planned or happenstance
You Decide
Marion can be reached at

Interview with Trevor Loudon from New-Zeeland.

Topic: Uncovering Obama’s Communist Ties and the Communist Organizations that groomed and backed him.

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America In Peril

October, 26, 2008

After spending nine
years in Navy Intelligence as a Cryptologist, intercepting
communications from Marxist/Socialist countries, breaking their codes,
and gathering intelligence in “other” ways. I am familiar with their
methods of using the media for propangada, using the educational system
to indoctrinate young minds, using the judicial system, and voter fraud
to steal elections.

This is what is happening now in America.

May God Have Mercy on us all.

cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but
we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of
socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”

Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

For all of you who believe the aims of Communism died with the end of the Cold war, let’s connect the dots.

Google the FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis (it’s too long to include
here) then look at the Goals of the United States Communist Party as
entered in the Congressional record.



Thursday, January 10, 1963


Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla.,
is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently
published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of
alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.

At Mrs. Nordman’s request, I include in the RECORD, under
unanimous consent, the following "Current Communist Goals," which she
identifies as an excerpt from "The Naked Communist," by Cleon


1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to
atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in
atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the
United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist
affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of
Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free
elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United
States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter
is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with
its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the
world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes
these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in
the Congo.)

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American
institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for
socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum.
Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs
or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments,
editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms
of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to
"eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute
shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is
to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them
"censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting
pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures,
radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal,
natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with
"social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for
intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the
schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation
of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate,
old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to
cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as
selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the
teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor
part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history
since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control
over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare
programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the
operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to
social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric
disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws
as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose
Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity
and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative
influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and
retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are
legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and
special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united
force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations
are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot
prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic
problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and
individuals alike.


You know the saying, “Those who don’t know history are apt to repeat it”…

we will look at excerpts for an interview with Yuri Bezmenov a KGB
agent who defected in 1970 and taped an interview in 1984.

interview is very interesting and thought provoking look at the
systematic attack on destroying the social and political fabric of the
United States by Communist interests. It will illuminate some of the
things happening in America right now. Our past presidential election
was a watershed event in America and its future. It will effect you and
your children for a long time in the future.


The original video was removed from YouTube
on more than one occasion. We have found a different source for the
video and we present it here, with a partial transcript of what we
believe to be the telling points that Yuri Bezmenov covers.

Yuri Bezmenov, was an expert on Soviet propaganda and disinformation, escaped to the United States in 1970.

entire sixteen minute interview, recorded twenty-four years ago, is an
alarming prophesy of the Communist infiltration rapidly taking root
even during the Reagan years.

For those of you with
Attention Deficit Disorder, fast forward to (10:50) for a chilling
account of the Four Stages of Ideological Subversion.

(Hat tip to Paul)

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02

Download the latest version of Flash to view this content

The following is a partial transcript of the interview highlights:


Subversion, or Active Measures, or Psychological Warfare: To change the
perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite
the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible
conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families,
their community, and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing
process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The
first one being demoralization, it takes from fifteen to twenty years
to demoralize a nation.

Why that many years? Because this the
minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of
students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the

In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being
pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American
students without being challenged or counter-balanced by the basic
values of Americanism, American patriotism.


The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

Stage 1 — Demoralization

demoralization process in the United States is basically completed
already, for the last twenty-five years, actually it’s over-fulfilled
because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even
Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a
tremendous success, most of it is done by Americans to Americans,
thanks to lack of moral standards.

As I mentioned before,
exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is
demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell
nothing to him. Even if I showered him with information, with authentic
proof, with documents, with pictures — even if I take him by force to
the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp — he will refuse to
believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When
a military boot crashes his butt, then he will understand, but not
before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

Stage 2 — Destabilization

next stage is destabilization. This time the subverter does not care
about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption, whether you eat
junk food and get fat and flabby doesn’t matter anymore. This time —
and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation — what
matters is essentials. Economy, foreign relations, defense systems. And
you can see quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas
as defense and economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the
United States is absolutely fantastic. I could never believe it
fourteen years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the
process would go that fast.

Stage 3 — Crisis

next stage of course is crisis, it may take only up to six weeks to
bring a country to the verge of crisis, you can see it in Central
America now. And after crisis, with a violent change of power,
structure, and economy, you have a so-called period of normalization.
It may last indefinitely.

Stage 4 — Normalization

is a cynical expression, borrowed from Soviet propaganda, when the
Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 1968, Comrade Brezhnev said,
“Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized.”

is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks
to bring the country to crisis. To promise people all kinds of goodies
and a paradise on Earth. To destabilize your economy. To eliminate the
principle of free market competition and to put a Big Brother
government in Washington DC with benevolent dictators like Walter
Mondale who will promise lots of things, never mind whether the
promises are fulfilled or not. He will go to Moscow to kiss the bottoms
of a new generation of Soviet assassins, never mind, he will create
false illusions that the situation is under control. The situation is
not under control. The situation is disgustingly out of control.

of the American politicians, media, and educational system, trains
another generation of people who think they are living at the peace
time. False. The United States is in a state of war. Undeclared total
war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system.
And the initiator of this war is not Comrade Andropov of course, it’s
the system — however ridiculous it may sound — the world Communist
system, or the world Communist conspiracy. Whether I scare some people
or not I don’t give a hoot. If you are not scared by now, nothing can
scare you.

But you don’t have to be paranoid about it. What
actually happens now, that unlike myself, you have literally several
years to limp on unless the United States wakes up. The time bomb is
ticking, with every second the disaster is coming closer and closer,
unlike myself you will have no where to defect to. Unless you want to
live in Antarctica with penguins. This is it, this is the last country
of freedom and possibility.

Next I ask you to
look at the leftist politicians and media attacks on Bush, their
attempt to undermine our troops and cause a loss in Iraq and gave aid
and hope to the terrorists.

Every Democrat who could get
before a mike or in prin from 1998-2001 ranted about Saddam’s WMDs, his
Nuke program, his support of terrorists,and the grave threat he was to
our country, now they say Bush Lied. Question who lied, hyped or cherry
picked Intel to convince them BEFORE Bush was elected.

Leftists gained control of both houses by claiming the war was lost and
they would withdraw the troops, thereby insuring defeat. They hoped to
ride the same horse into the White House, but since the surge was
working so well they had to go with plan “B” which was already in
place. By having their wealthy cronies manipulate the stock market and
futures markets they engineered a financial meltdown.

In September 2003, then President Bush proposed that oversight of
Fannie Mae be tightened. Congressional Democrats balked at the idea and
vigorously opposed and blocked it. Then, in a 2006 bill, Senate
Republicans created a bill calling for oversight of the Democrat-run
corrupt Fannie Mae (and its partner organization Freddie Mac) US
mortgage giant. At that time, those who ran Fannie Mae (again—ALL
Democrats) had already been caught in an $11 billion accounting
scandal. Tragically—for all of us—this bill was shelved. Wimpy
Republicans actually wanted bi-partisanship and Democrats refused.
Despite their protestations to the contrary, Democrats do not want
bi-partisanship. This is an historical message that the now-liberal
Republican Party leadership refuses to learn from or even acknowledge.
Note: At this time the Democrat/Leftist-created financial catastrophe
of 2008-2009 could have been brought to light and prevented. However,
it appears that dark forces were at work to purposefully bring forth
said disaster.

September 2007, Fannie Mae began (the truly intelligent said
inevitable) its two month downward spiral that would culminate in its
November crash. Then, in September (September again—weird) 2008 a
strange one to two hour electronic run on US banks to the tune of $550
billion was affected before authorities were able to put a stop to it.
One Democrat—Rep. Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania said that if
authorities had not closed the banks, $5 ½ TRILLION would have been
withdrawn from US banks, which would have caused the collapse of the US
and within 24 hours the collapse of the world’s economic system. There
are certainly those within our own government who know who and what
were the perpetrators. But, no one is talking.

Next let’s take a look at the New Party (the U.S. Communist Party)

Frank Marshall Davis who was Obama’s mentor in Hawaii from the time
Obama was 12 years old, to the New party, and other radical connections
of Obama in Chicago. By the way Obama was a member of the New Party
which helped to launch his political career.

An unknown
Chicago politico who made one speech at the DNC, has no
accomplishments, was groomed, tutored, scripted and sold to the people
by leftist media is now the President Elect 

(hat tip to Pb for pointing out the error in the original paragraph below, which has now been corrected)

A series of Executive Orders, internal governmental departmental laws, unpassed by Congress,
the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 and the Violent Crime Control Act of 1991,
provides additional powers to the President of the
United States, allowing the suspension of the Constitution and Constitutional rights of
Americans during a "drug crisis". It provides for the construction of detention camps, seizure
of property, and military control of populated areas, h
as whittled
down Constitutional law substantially. These new Executive Orders and Congressional Acts
allow for the construction of concentration camps, suspension of rights and the ability of the
President to declare Martial Law in the event of a drug crisis. Congress will have no power to
prevent the Martial Law declaration and can only review the process six months after Martial
Law has been declared. The most critical Executive Order was issued on August 1, 1971. Nixon
signed both a proclamation and Executive Order 11615. Proclamation No. 4074 states, "I
hereby declare a national emergency", thus establishing an economic crisis. That national
emergency order has not been rescinded.

teamed with the Executive Orders of the President, enables Orwellian
prophecies to rest on whoever occupies the White House. The power
provided by these “laws” allows suspension of the
Constitution and the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights during any
civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes and allows the
military to implement government ordered movements of civilian
populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain
unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of Martial

the Constitution of the United States was framed it placed the
exclusive legislative authority in the hands of Congress and with the
President. Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution is
concise in its language:

“All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of
the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of

is no longer true. The Bill of Rights protected Americans against loss
of freedoms. That is no longer true. The Constitution provided for a
balanced separation of powers. That is no longer applicable.

Perhaps it can be summed up succinctly in the words of arch-conservative activist Howard J Ruff:

the enactment of Executive Order 11490, the only thing standing between
us and dictatorship is the good character of the President, and the
lack of a crisis severe enough that the public would stand still for

Next we will look at all legislation
passed or attempted by the dishonest Socialist regardless if they call
themselves Progressive, Liberal, Independent, Republican, or Democrat.

If you have a computer you can look up the legislation.

are just a few Executive Orders that would suspend the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for
nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential

allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

allows the Housing and
Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with
public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new
locations for populations.

allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and
gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of
increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set
out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish
judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate
penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the

Here are the later Executive Orders:

assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and
agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a
fifteen year period.

allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to
establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution,
of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in
U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also
provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President,
Congress cannot review the action for six months.

created the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is to interface with the
Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An
“emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of
its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been
used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure
continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 appointed
the National Security Council as the principal body that should
consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase
domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would
restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and granted
the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The
National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take
control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry. Many of the figures
in the Iran-Contra scandal were part of this emergency contingent,
including Marine Colonel Oliver North.

Marion A. Valentine USN (disabled)



By Judi McLeod — Thursday, October 16, 2008
Last night’s final presidential debate proved once again that Senator
Barack Obama talks a lot, but really says nothing—nothing you can count
on when he tells another whopper. (here). 


Time is closing in on the 11th hour of Election ’08 but the search for the real Obama is still on.

If Obama steps out of the fog through the scavenger hunt for his
birth certificate and unanswered questions about his alliance to Islam
into the Oval office, he will usher in a new socialist America. 

Concerns about Obama, the closet Muslim, fit right in with
Obama, the Marxist.  Marxists, always difficult to pin down, work hand
in hand with radical Islam. 

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (“Carlos the Jackal”) wrote in his book, L’islam revolutionnaire (Revolutionary Islam) that “only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.”

There can be little mistake that the United States of America,
in throwback scenes to the Roman Empire, is being attacked from within.

Even before the economic meltdown, the landscape of Election
’08 could be compared to soap opera, a shock in every episode, with the
proverbial plot continuing to thicken.

Throughout all, Obama was like the errant husband.  Confronted with the facts of his affair, he clings to constant denial.

Don’t count on the tragically hip mainstream media to portray
Obama for what he really is anytime before Nov. 4, 2008:  a cog in a
well-oiled machine.  Obama is the charismatic puppet of George Soros
and other creators, who have worked for decades to deliver America over
to Socialism.

Like the malcontents exploited by al Qaeda operatives, who
recruit among prison populations, Obama was fertile ground.  But in his
way, Obama is deadlier because he makes the White House the destination
for the airtight agenda of his Marxist masters.

Difficult to keep up with the shock-a-day associations of
Obama, the latest being ACORN registering Mickey Mouse as a voter and a
Kansas City couple finding a donation to the Obama campaign they never
made, courtesy of their own credit card.

Worry is all that comes from being told it’s possible that not Obama but his mentor William Ayers is the real author of Dreams of My Father.

False hope is all that comes from elusive proof of Obama’s birth certificate.

Loss of individual freedom and the end of an era is what will
come to pass if the next President of the United States is a Marxist.

Only the American electorate can stop Obama from becoming the 44th president of the United States.

Don’t count on John McCain or the mainstream media to tell you who Barack Obama really is.

Proof is in the Public Record.

“The public record is our only proof,” says former Naval Intelligence Officer Marion Valentine.

“In 1963, while serving in Navy Intelligence (1958-1967), I read
the FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis.  He had outlined the Communist
plan to take over America from within, by installing educators at all
levels of our educational system, gaining control of the media, getting
Liberal judges appointed, recruiting, training and backing people to be
elected to public office.

“I have researched every piece of legislation I can find that
the Liberal Democrats have passed since the early sixties, and if you
will research for yourself, you will find that they have been slowly
moving this country toward Socialism.

“When Obama announced he was running for President as an
unknown with only one major speech at the DNC (that the DNC and MSM
made so much fuss over), he aroused my old intel suspicions.  So I
started researching.

“I have not found any evidence to convince me he is a Muslim,
bur I did find his radical associations were unusual.  I found Frank
Marshall Davis, who had fled from Chicago to Hawaii when Obama was 12
years old, was Obama’s mentor from then till Davis died in 1987.

“Davis put Obama in touch with the Socialist Party in Chicago (called the New Party) which Ayers is also a member of,
(emphasis added) therefore the first “Planned” contact with Ayers.  The
New Party helped launch and finance Obama’s political career. 
Obama…selected, trained, groomed and scripted to become the “puppet”
leader of the United Socialist States of America.

“Since I am in the 4th and final stage of congestive heart
failure and will be lucky to live long enough to see the next president
take office, why should this election matter to me?  Why does Obama’s
statement, that he wants a National Civilian Security Force” as strong
and as well funded as our military (conjuring up images of the
old-style USSR police state) matter to me?

“It’s simple…I love America,” says Valentine.

The public record states clearly on Obama’s commitment to Socialism.

Even though no major mainstream media outlet has ever reported it,

“Web archives confirm Barack Obama was a member of Chicago’s Socialist “New Party” in 1996.” (politicallydrunkblogspotcom, Oct. 8, 2008).

“In June sources released information that during his campaign
for the State Senate in Illinois, Barack Obama was endorsed by an
organization known as the Chicago “New Party”.  The New Party was a
political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America
(the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing
on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist
movement upwards.”

In North America, Marxism never comes through the front door of
federal elections, but sneaks in the back door of civic elections and
school boards, whose elections are dogged by public apathy.  Americans
have only to look northward to Canada to see Marxists elected to
Toronto and Vancouver City Halls and school boards.

In the Chicago experience, “the admitted Socialist
Organization experienced a moderate rise in numbers between 1995 and
1999.  By 1999, however, the Socialist “New Party” was essentially
defunct after losing a Supreme Court challenge that ruled the
organizations “fusion reform platform as unconstitutional.

But their tentacles had already spread, and story begins rather than ends there.

“After allegations surfaced in early summer over the “New Party’s
endorsement of Obama, the Obama campaign along with the remnants of the
New Party and Democrat Socialists of America claimed that Obama was
never a member of either organization, The DSA and “New Party” then
systematically attempted to cover up any ties between Obama and the
Socialist Organizations.  However, it now appears that Barack Obama was
indeed a certified and acknowledged member of the DSA’s New Party.” (

The deceit that transpired in order to remove any trace of Obama-the-Socialist/Marxist is mind-boggling.

Back to the politicallydrunk blogspot:

“On Tuesday, I discovered a web page that had been scrubbed from the
New Party’s website.  The web page, which was published in October
1996, was an Internet newsletter update on that year’s congressional
races.  Although the web page was deleted from the New Party’s website,
the non-profit Internet Archive Organization (emphasis added) had archived the page.

“From the October 1996 update of the DSA “New Party’: “New
Party members are busy knocking on doors, hammering down lawn signs,
and phoning voters to support NP candidates this fall.  Here are some
of the key races…

Illinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

(Proof of the above can be found through the WayBack Machine.)

Suppose for a minute that the information gleaned from the NP web page was erroneous.

Empirical proof that Barack is a socialist exists in the Progressive Populist magazine in November 1996.

“New Party members and supported candid dates won 16 of 23
races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City
Council, a seat on the country board for Little Rock and the school
board for Prince George’s County, Md.  Chicago is sending the first New
Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an
overwhelming 85% victory.
New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago:

“The Democratic Socialist Party of America published in their July/August Editor of New Ground 47 Newsletter:

The Chicago New Party is increasingly becoming a viable
political organization that can make a different (sic) in Chicago
politics.  It is crucial for a political organization to have a solid
infrastructure and visible results in its political program.  The New
Party has continued to solidify this base…
The NP’s ’96
Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed
candidates winning electoral primaries.  All four candidates attended
the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude.
Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to
join the Campaign Steering Committee.  Patricia Martin, who won the
race for Judge in the 7th Subcircuit Court, explained that due to the
NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives
like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate
District, encouraged NPers to join in his task force on Voter and
Education and Voter Registration.

In other words, Obama’s presidential platform of change is not even
his own.  Change is what Socialists have wanted for American for

Mainstream media hype notwithstanding, Obama is not “The
Messiah”, “The Anointed One”, the Rock Star, the Cult Leader, the First
Black President, Your Agent for Change or Messenger of Hope.

To quote the Bible Ecclesiastes 1:9: “What has been is what will be, And what has been done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.”
Obama is the programmed robot of the global elite, working to usher in
what some call a pre-orchestrated financially challenged world, The
United Socialist States of America.


Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years
experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also
worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

Judi can be emailed at:

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