Archive for February, 2011

Union Thug attacks Tea Party in Sacramento California at rally

Admin. II, Dee

Check out the discussion ‘Union Thug attacks Tea Party in Sacramento California at rally’

Seriously does the left think we are all blind and deaf? After you watch this disgusting display of thuggery and attempted cover-up….make this go viral! As always, tell us what you think!

Discussion posted by Admin. II, Dee:

Say WHAT???? Does this guy not know there is video of the incident? Does he really believe his own lies? Mr. Reporter-Bad job on an intervi…

Discussion link:

Union Thug attacks Tea Party in Sacramento California at rally

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The People v. Barack Obama

I’m going to bankrupt this country by any means necessary, and if you try to stop me… or slow me down… so help me, I’ll shut the government down and blame it on you… if you try to stop me, you can kiss your political careers good-bye.

Isn’t that essentially what Barack Obama and his allies in Congress are saying to our conservative leaders in Congress and across the country? Is that not the threat he is effectively issuing?

One thing is certain, it’s not an idle threat. Obama and his extreme left-wing allies control the executive branch of the government and the United States Senate… they control the Mainstream Media… they control the unions… and those institutions are already doing Obama’s bidding.

Make no mistake… we are at war… it’s not a war we declared… the American people are being attacked by an enemy from within and conservatives in Washington may not have the stomach for the fight that Obama has already brought upon us unless patriotic Americans, like you, demand that they stand firm in the face of this threat right here and right now.

Even the conservative media is not reporting the full story. It is NO COINCIDENCE that massive and disruptive protests started in Wisconsin IMMEDIATELY AFTER the men and women that you elected to Congress in November tried desperately to bring fiscal sanity to Washington. And in the days that follow, more protests may break out in a number of states across the nation.

Barack Obama and his far-left allies heard the message you sent in November loud and clear and they are striking back. The chaos in Madison, Wisconsin is precisely the future Barack Obama wishes for every state in the union… it’s the “change” he really promised when he campaigned in 2008… because only economic paralysis can pave the way for him to press forward with his extreme socialist agenda.

If you believe that these Wisconsin protests are a local issue… you’re sorely mistaken. If you believe that there is some “perfect storm” brewing and that it is a coincidence that the Wisconsin protests are happening now… you’re wrong. And if you believe that these protests are, in actuality, about public-sector union employees demanding more of your hard-earned money during a time of extreme economic distress… while the rest of the nation suffers… you’re still missing a huge… huge… part of the picture.

These protesters are being used… Joseph Stalin coined the phrase, “useful idiots.” These protesters are dupes… pawns in a very dangerous game that Barack Obama is playing with the United States of America. Barack Obama is not siding with the unions for the sake of the children… he’s not siding with the unions for the sake of hard-working and dedicated teachers… and he’s certainly not doing it for you.

The end-game is the complete and utter destruction of the United States economy and your way of life. Obama and his allies are playing the game to win and each and every American who cherishes freedom and the American way of life MUST do the same. You must not let them get away with it. They must be stopped.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell those who still wish to stand with the American people to stand firm, and let those, who choose to stand with Barack Obama know that you will be watching. Tell them that when it comes to restoring fiscal sanity to Washington, the American people want them to follow the example of American patriots like Governor Scott Walker.

Tell them that the time for panaceas and half-measures is over. Tell them to either lead or get out of the way. Tell them that it is the time to make tough decisions and that the American people want our out-of-control federal budget balanced… period… the wasteful spending stops today… the mortgaging of our children’s’ future stops today… the radical Obama agenda stops today.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Obama And The Unions: Is The Dog Wagging The Tail, Or Is The Tail Wagging The Dog?

Satan may be the Great Deceiver, but he certainly does not have a monopoly on the enterprise. The Good Book tells us that we shall know them by their fruits… and so it goes with elected officials.

Barack Obama and his allies on the extreme left TELL us that they are only supporting the Wisconsin demonstrations because they care about the teachers… because they care about the children… but the end result of Obama’s support for these demonstrations cannot be casually dismissed or ignored.

Barack Obama, through his support of the Wisconsin demonstrations, and the demonstrations in other states that are sure to follow, is essentially ensuring that NO STATE, WHICH IS ATTEMPTING TO BALANCE IT’S BUDGET, CAN DO SO.

It’s not enough, for him, to bankrupt and indenture the federal government to our foreign creditors and our enemies abroad… if his flawed dreams of achieving a “socialist utopia” in the United States are to be realized, he MUST BANKRUPT THE STATES AS WELL… he must prevent them, by any means necessary, from balancing their budgets. We’re not questioning Obama’s motives, we’re simply looking at the fruits of his actions.

Obama is not just giving these demonstrators rhetorical support. HE’S ALL-IN. As Senator Jim DeMint recently noted, Obama’s “political machine, Organizing for America, is on the ground ginning up opposition to Wisconsin Republicans who are trying desperately to balance their budget. … Make no mistake, the Democrat Party is bought and paid for by the unions.”

The move may be without precedent. Think about it for a moment; the man who had no hesitation when to came to pulling our proud warriors out of Iraq and Afghanistan has no problem deploying ‘his political troops’ to cause disruptions on American soil.

Of course, some of our elected officials are far too willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt. Rolling their eyes, they casually accuse him of a “lack of leadership;” but does Obama really lack leadership?

Is it within the realm of possibility that the actual end-game is to bankrupt the United States of America… bring this country to its knees… so he can remold it from the ground up and move it ever closer to socialism?

When it comes to these demonstrations, is Obama supporting tens-of-thousands of public sector union members over the needs of hundreds-of-millions of Americans… or are THEY unwittingly helping HIM to accomplish his agenda? Is the dog wagging the tail or is the tail wagging the dog?

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell those who still wish to stand with the American people to stand firm, and let those, who choose to stand with Barack Obama know that you will be watching. Tell them that when it comes to restoring fiscal sanity to Washington, the American people want them to follow the example of American patriots like Governor Scott Walker.

Tell them that the time for panaceas and half-measures is over. Tell them to either lead or get out of the way. Tell them that it is the time to make tough decisions and that the American people want our out-of-control federal budget balanced… period… the wasteful spending stops today… the mortgaging of our children’s’ future stops today… the radical Obama agenda stops today.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.


The unhealthy and disastrous connection between Big Labor and those on the far-left is indisputable. But the one question that is not being asked is: are Obama and his allies on the far-left doing the bidding of the unions… or are the unions doing their bidding?

Former Obama Administration “Green Czar” Van Jones once said, revolutions are sold from the “top-down, bottom-up, and inside-out.”

“Top-down, bottom-up, and inside-out.” … Are we in the midst of a political revolution… a revolution that has been going on for some time… right under the noses of our political leaders in Washington who lack the eyes to see and the ears to hear what is actually unfolding before us?

Look at what is happening right before our very eyes.  Our great nation is on the verge of bankruptcy. Our untenable national debt stands at 14 trillion dollars and when the people cried out and demanded that Washington put a stop to the out-of-control waste and spending, Barack Obama responded by proposing a budget that, by his own calculations, DOUBLES our already untenable debt over the next decade.

And when the Republican-led House of Representatives put forth legislation to cut our out-of-control deficit by 61 billion dollars… a mere 3.7 percent of our deficit and a scant 0.4 percent of our national debt… Barack Obama and his allies in Congress went off the reservation and threatened to shut the government down.

Do not be deceived, they’re blaming Republicans for issuing the threat and their allies in the Mainstream Media are repeating the lie, but Obama and his allies are the only ones issuing the threat.

Out-of-control debt imminently threatens the livelihood of ever man, woman and child in the United States … that’s no problem… insignificant cuts to a handful of programs that the government should not be funding in the first place – such as public broadcasting, the arts and Planned Parenthood – well… that’s a national emergency… that’s a hill they’re ready, willing and able to die upon.

Is Barack Obama insane or does he simply believe that the American people are stupid? You already know the answer to that question.

But let’s go back to Obama’s budget projections for just a moment. They’re a massive FRAUD. Obama’s budget projections assume economic growth of over 5 percent for most of the coming decade and an inflation rate of under 2 percent. It’s a pipe dream… a cruel fantasy… Obama’s present policies make economic growth of 5 percent next to impossible and inflation is already going through the roof.

Is a few percentage points such a big deal? You’d better believe it… the bottom line is that Obama’s budget recommendations won’t simply DOUBLE our National Debt… a few percentage points will transform our almost insurmountable debt into INSURMOUNTABLE debt… you may see it triple… quadruple… the sky’s the limit… if Obama gets his way, our debt will spin out of control and insolvency will surely follow.

If you believe that the riots in Greece and Ireland that you see in the news can’t happen here… if you believe that people in the United States will never be forced to buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow of money… disabuse yourself of that notion.

Unless the American people take drastic action to reverse the death grip of Obama’s socialist policies soon, IT WILL HAPPEN… it won’t happen to your children or grandchildren… it will happen to you… to us… you WILL see it unfold.

And to make maters worse, you’ll beg for more socialism… you’ll beg for more redistribution of wealth… because you’ll do anything… believe anything… simply to survive. You’ll become a slave to an out-of-control and all-powerful government that has the power to give you what you desperately need by exercising the power to take from you what it wants.

If that prospect is no problem, then do nothing… it will happen. But if that’s not the kind of life that you want for yourself, or your children, or your grandchildren… then join us right now and take a stand.

Use the button below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican and Democratic Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell those who still wish to stand with the American people to stand firm, and let those, who choose to stand with Barack Obama know that you will be watching. Tell them that when it comes to restoring fiscal sanity to Washington, the American people want them to follow the example of American patriots like Governor Scott Walker.

Tell them that the time for panaceas and half-measures is over. Tell them to either lead or get out of the way. Tell them that it is the time to make tough decisions and that the American people want our out-of-control federal budget balanced… period… the wasteful spending stops today… the mortgaging of our children’s’ future stops today… the radical Obama agenda stops today.

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

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A Real Eye Opener… WHY is the USA BANKRUPT?


It’s easy to dismiss individual programs that benefit non-citizens until they’re put together and this picture emerges. Someone did a lot of research to put together all of this data. Often these programs are buried within other programs making them difficult to find.

A Real Eye Opener WHY is the USA BANKRUPT?

Informative, and mind boggling!

You think the war in Iraq was costing us too much? Read this:

We have been hammered with the propaganda that it was the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us.

I now find that to be RIDICULOUS.

I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I also have included the URL’s for verification of all the following facts…

$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.


$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.


3.$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

Verify at:

$12 Billion dollars a year is spenton primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!


$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.


$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

Verify at:
<; <; < <; >

30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

<http://transcripts/%3E;; ..” href=”; rel=nofollow target=_blank> <;; ;;

$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.


$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

at: RI �PTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

The illegal aliens in the United States
have a crime rate that’s two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .

Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn./.com/TRANscriptS/0606/12/ldt..01.HTML <http://transcripts.cnn./.com/TRANscriptS/0606/12/ldt..01.HTML%3E;;
<;%C2%A0%3E;; ;

During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens
from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the US from the Southern border.

Homeland Security Report:

The National policy Institute estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.


In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.

http://www/. <
http://www/> <;
<; ;

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.

http: //
www.drdskcom/articleshtml <; �
<; <;

The total cost is a whopping


Arizona is smarter than our Federal Government!!~!!!!

If this doesn’t bother you then just delete the message. If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every legal resident in the United States .

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Traitorous Teachers, Union Whiners, and Democratic Fleebaggers

How the West Was Won by Moammar Gaddafi
By Judi McLeod Full Story

imageThe horror story starring Muammar Gaddafi does not begin with the ongoing bloody Revolution in Libya.

If the megalomaniac were to use the $3 billion he parked in London to write his memoirs, it could easily be entitled, How the West Was Won because the story of Gaddafi is, in effect, the story of the corruption of Western leaders, and how it ultimately leads to the decline of Western civilization.

Both Canada and the United States helped put Gaddafi on his perch and helped keep him there.

It is largely thanks to the brilliant website American Thinker that we can help trace the decline of the west through the corruption of western leaders in the pocket of Gaddafi, the man President Ronald Reagan called the “Mad Dog of the Middle East”.
Muslims Must Become Americans of the Islamic Faith
By Jerry McConnell Full Story

Man did my blood pressure ever shoot up when I read this piece of aggravation that Newsmax published on Sunday (of all days) February 20, 2011 titled, “Extremist Cleric:  Time for Islamic State in America”.
Traitorous Teachers, Union Whiners, and Democratic Fleebaggers
By Jim O’Neill Full Story

“U.S. patriotism is inseparable from imperial warfare and white supremacy.  U.S. flags are the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today.  They are the emblem of the occupying power.  The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military.” Nicholas DeGenova Columbia University professor

“This is not a video game.  This is not a movie.  This is not like anything you’ve ever encountered in your life before.  The world is changing, and because of that we must change as well.  Darkness is growing.  But…shadows can only grow darker as the sun grows lighter.”Glenn Beck
What Do You Do When the Government Revolts?
By Michael R. Shannon Full Story

Fresh off his success destabilizing the government in Egypt, President Obama is now taking aim at domestic tyrants — beginning with Republican Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
I prefer rats
By Dr. Gerald Stephens Full Story

The worst case scenario is that they will cause plague, commonly referred to as the ‘Black Death’.  While science has not yet discovered a means of eliminating them from munching in the granaries and public housing of the land, they have at least developed a treatment for the disease they carry.
Coming Apart at the Seams
By Philip V. Brennan Full Story

In case you haven’t noticed, the world is in turmoil, with Nature shaking her fist at puny mankind in places such as New Zealand, and with people in the Middle East rising up in blind rage against their rulers.

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Congress zeroes in on FCC’s Net neutrality rules

Asst Natl Dir…

Check out the blog post ‘Congress zeroes in on FCC’s Net neutrality rules’


Blog post added by BluEyes:

February 23, 2011   By Larry DownesCNET The new Republican members of both the House and Senate wasted no time following up on promises to…

Blog post link:

Congress zeroes in on FCC’s Net neutrality rules

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“America is in the Grips of Special-Interest Blackmail!”

By Ron Ewart, President

National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.

© Copyright February 21, 2011 – All Rights Reserved


Politics is a high-stakes poker game

Where only the powerful get to play,

Where the rules change by the day,

Where the taxpayer gets to pay,

But the taxpayer has no say.

Don’t you think it is about time

That the taxpayer said, NO WAY?

So politicians beware of what you do and say,

Before we decide to take your money away.

Ron Ewart
What do Greece, England and the rest of Europe have in common with Wisconsin and all states who don’t have the right to work outside of a union?  They are all in the grips of Union blackmail.  Whose fault is that?  It is the direct fault of the politicians who give in to the demands of the public employee unions on the threat of strike, but also in the hopes of garnering loyal votes for the next election.  It is also the fault of the politicians who abdicate their duty to make law and negotiate contracts and hand that duty over to the un-elected arbiters of binding arbitration.  And whose fault is that?  It is the direct fault of the people who would allow politicians to squander their hard-earned tax money and give into the demands of union mobsters, or any other special interest group, that demand that they be able to “dip” their hands in the public till.

The sad thing about this deteriorating condition of American exceptionalism is, that the people are and love winners.  But the government rewards blackmailers, losers and those with the most money.
Politicians have a unique responsibility to relentlessly guard how the people’s tax money is spent.  It is called a fiduciary.
“A fiduciary duty is a legal or ethical relationship of confidence or trust regarding the management of money or property between two or more parties.” (to learn more about a fiduciary, see
“Confidence”? “Trust”? Really!  So who are the green-shaded knuckle heads who did the actuarial figures on how to pay for government employee pensions and other benefits of unionized government employees, to comply with union contracts?  We read somewhere that in one state it takes 19 firemen working, to pay for one fireman’s retirement benefits.  Who came up with that formula and thought that the money was there from current or future tax revenue to pay for it?
And why are some states not fully funding their retirement benefits reserve fund, or are transferring some of the reserve funds to the general fund to pay for their profligate spending?  This is exactly what the Federal Government has done with Social Security funds and now they have to borrow the money to pay the Social Security fund back because the FEDS (that’s you and me) are broke.
When government “suddenly” discovers it’s broke and can’t pay for all those benefits and decides to renege on the union contracts, the union workers go on strike and in some cases, violently protest government’s miraculous discovery of economics 101 ….. you can’t pay out more than you take in and you can’t balance the budget on the revenue from future generations.  But in their bubble of the rules of insane politics, they think they can, that is of course, until they run out of other people’s money.  History has proved that they are wrong every time.
If government commits grand theft from one group of people, under the color of law, and takes what they have stolen from the first group and hands it over to a second group of people, the first group is eventually going to get mad and say NO MORE, and the second group is going to say, YOU HAVE BROKEN YOUR PROMISES and we are going to make you pay for it by striking, or by withholding our votes at the next election.  Politicians quiver and equivocate at the prospects.
On the one hand government commits the crime of grand theft and the beneficiaries of the grand theft commit the crime of blackmail in order to preserve their ill-gotten gain.  All this criminal activity is sanctioned and condoned by government through the process of extorting money from the public treasury that they don’t own but have a fiduciary responsibility to manage.
What all this political insanity boils down to is that you can’t violate the foundation of freedom and the principals of economics, without suffering unintended consequences and the unintended consequences usually result in bankruptcy, civil unrest and ultimately riots and uncontrolled violence.  Just ask the EU.
This propensity for government to meddle in places where they have no constitutional authority, doesn’t stop at giving into union demands and sending our financial stability into economic oblivion by capitulating to those demands.  Government meddling also extends deep into social and environmental blackmail as well, that has turned the principles of freedom and liberty on their heads.  Besides robbing the public treasury to meet union demands, it robs the public treasury to placate the less fortunate, or the so-called “victims” among us, in return for their party loyalty and their votes.  Hitler was very successful at this tactic and overran the communists with it.
Blacks and Latinos vote in a block for Democrats because Blacks and Latinos have been bought off by Democrats with promises of special treatment and handouts from the public treasury.  Blacks and Latinos represent a significant share of the electorate and can swing an election their way with their block votes.  Senior citizens vote as a block as well, on social security and medical issues, because they too have been bought off by promises from their generous government, by raiding the public treasury.  These elders can also swing an election their way too.  Talk about a gross conflict of interest.
But the government goes even farther into unconstitutional madness by giving into the demands of national and international radical environmentalists.  They have been so successful as to have rendered one of the pillars of our freedoms virtually non-existent and that is the pillar of constitutionally protected property rights.  (Does anyone remember what the 5th Amendment says?)
Environmental protection now supercedes any vestige of constitutional property rights.  Urban dwellers are under the scourge of Agenda 21, smart growth and sustainable development, while their rural cousins are being forced to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection.  Private land is being condemned under eminent domain for wildlife corridors, using the power, wealth and political influence of environmental groups, like The Nature Conservancy, who receives millions of taxpayer dollars to buy up private land, either directly, or by control through conservation easements.
City dwellers have been brainwashed (public schools) into believing that environmental protection is sacrosanct and has a higher priority in law, than property rights.  They elect politicians who believe as they do.  After all, city dwellers have nothing to lose from environmental protection other than some small taxes to pay for it.  They often refer to rural lands as “their” lands and they think that they have every right to dictate to the rural landowner for environmental reasons.  Not so the rural landowner. They have their life style, livelihood and their property to lose from draconian environmental protection.
The attack on rural landowners by government and environmentalists is so vicious as to require an equal and opposite response by landowners.  But rural landowners are disenfranchised and un-represented in the political process.  Urban inhabitants have most of the votes.  And rural landowners have no electoral college to prevent the mob of city dwellers from overwhelming their votes.  How then does the rural landowner counter this unequal protection under the law?  They have three choices: 1) capitulate to government edicts; 2) hire a lawyer and take their case to the courts; or 3) try to beat government through other, more direct, in-your-face, means.  At best, it is a stacked deck for rural landowners, as the government has passed the laws that give them the authority to run over landowners at every turn.  We’ve heard hundreds of landowner stories that reflect this condition, from all over America.
This does not mean however, that the landowner is powerless against government ….. a government that is being blackmailed by the flawed ideology of the national and international radical environmentalists.  If landowners have the courage, they can use the law and the power of the many to thwart government from its eventual goal of absolute power over every aspect of our lives.  Our organization (NARLO) has established a program to assist rural landowners in taking on the government, without having to hire an expensive attorney and being subjected to the corruption and never-ending rules of the American judicial system.
At almost every turn, government is being blackmailed by and giving into the demands of special interest groups, whether they be the unions, corporations, bankers, socialists, radical environmentalists, or the one-world-order crowd.  If the American people succumb to this blackmail, they can expect a continual raid on their tax money, a continual increase in their tax obligation, a continual invasion into their private lives and a continual assault on their freedoms and liberty.
But there is one more thing Americans had better get used to, if they decide to capitulate to government abuse, negligence and arrogance.  As government tries to rein in government spending, it is going to break promises to many constituent groups in the process.  As each constituent group starts seeing cuts in their favorite charity, themselves, they will start to grow uneasy and then angry.  Then they will start to protest in large, noisy crowds, as they did in Wisconsin last week.  After that these different constituent groups will start to riot and violence will become ubiquitous in America, just like it is now erupting all over the planet, however, not necessarily for the same reasons.  All we can say is if that happens, you had better stock up, arm yourself and hunker down, with the hopes that you can ride out the storm without being caught up in, or damaged by it.
Of course their is another alternative.  Take back your government from those that have corrupted it and are blackmailing it.  We’ll tell you how in our next article.

NOTE: If you are an urban or rural landowner and you are under attack by local, state or the federal government from proposed adverse environmental ordinances, code violations, wetland designations or violations, allegations of criminal environmental acts, or under threat of eminent domain, be sure to check out “The NARLO Offense” at:  Learn how you can take on government and win, without having to hire an expensive attorney.
Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027
425 837-5365 or 1 800 682-7848

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POLL: Do you support Governor Walker’s Budget Repair Bill? – Please Vote Now!

Asst Natl Dir…

Check out the blog post ‘POLL: Do you support Governor Walker’s Budget Repair Bill? – Please Vote Now!’

Click the link and vote in this Poll…
Let us Stand with Governor Walker!

Blog post added by CJ:

Do you support Governor Walker’s Budget Repair Bill?Apparently the government unions have a head start on the poll. Let’s reverse the tre…

Blog post link:

POLL: Do you support Governor Walker’s Budget Repair Bill? – Please Vote Now!

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The Socialist’s Formula For World Domination

By: Marion Valentine

I.I.D.I.N. Infiltrate, Indoctrinate, Demoralize, Intimidate, (Normalization: when Socialist Global Governance is achieved)

What is the difference between Marxism, Communism, and Socialism? These days, not much. In the beginning the main difference was disagreement on how to achieve their common goal of complete control of a Nation’s people, resources and wealth.

The ideologies melded over the years and even though the movement for world domination suffered many setbacks, Communism did not die with the fall of the Berlin wall and the rending of the iron curtain.The word Communism became so unpopular the name changed to Socialism, then Liberalism, then to Progressive. They have even been somewhat open about what they are doing, the Communist goals for the United States were entered into the Congressional record in June, 1963,  take a look at those goals and see how many have been fulfilled. (click on the link below to see the Communist goals, and the video interview with Yuri Bezmenov)They stopped using bombs and tanks to conquer and pillage, their formula now is, I. I. D. I. N. Infiltrate, Indoctrinate, Demoralize, Intimidate then follows Normalization. Normalization is achieved  when the entire world is enslaved by a Global Government made up of the “Ruling Elite”. Infiltration started in the U.S.  in earnest in the late 1940’s. Indoctrination began in earnest in the 1960’s. A KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov who defected in 1970 and taped an interview (video and partial transcript embedded here🙂

America In Peril

Yuri Bezmenov said in 1984 that the Indoctrination and Demoralization of America was complete. The promotion of ugly art and music and calling it beautiful, the promotion of promiscuity, perversion and nudity are now considered “freedom of speech”.  and “freedom of expression.” Bezmenov said the American people after 25 years of indoctrination and demoralization were no longer able to assimilate true information, that showered with facts, photos, and even seeing with their own eyes they still would not believe.

America is now in the Intimidation stage, as witnessed by the attacks on critics of the Administration. The threats to Insurance companies and banks that would not accept Government control. All that is needed now is a Crisis severe enough to give the Government an excuse to isolate incarcerate and neutralize dissenters. A pandemic such as a more deadly (mutated version) of the H1N1 virus could be used as an excuse,  plus any number of “Created Crisis”, such, financial meltdown, food or energy shortages, or “Created violence”  during lawful peaceful  protests.

If the current health care plan is passed, and the Cap and Trade Bill is passed, the attacks on dissenters will continue until the people are enslaved. Then there will be a period of Normalization. Every aspect of American lives will be controlled by the Government.

The Bottom Line is that the Socialists have infiltrated our educational system, our political parties, our media, and the Unions, and are working night and day to bring about their idea of Utopia, a Global Government controlled by the “Enlightened  Few”  who know better than those they have enslaved what those slaves need.

Marion Valentine

U.S. Navy Intelligence Service (Cryptologist) (disabled)

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Chicago Communists Join Wisconsin Rally

Asst Natl Dir…

Check out the video ‘Chicago Communists Join Wisconsin Rally’

“Building a Movement for Revolution”….A communist Revolution…listen to what else the person says…What say YOU?

Chicago Communists Join Wisconsin Rally
Chicago Communists Join Wisconsin Rally

The protests in Madison, Wis, which originally began in opposition to a budget repair bill being debated in the legislature, are now drawin…

Video link:

Chicago Communists Join Wisconsin Rally

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Running “FROM” Office in Wisconsin

Running “FROM” Office in Wisconsin

By John W. Lillpop

Everyone has heard the expression “running for office,” in reference to a politician seeking elective office.

However, 14 pathetic Democrats in Wisconsin have ushered in a new concept called “Running FROM Office,” which refers to their cowardly behavior in dealing with legislation they oppose.

This disgraceful behavior should give pause to any Wisconsin citizen who actually voted for any of these despicable clowns, all of whom have thumbed their noses at democratic principles, rule of law, and the will of the people.

As reported at the reference in part:

Democrats on the run in Wisconsin avoided state troopers Friday and threatened to stay in hiding for weeks, potentially paralyzing a state government they no longer control.

The party’s stand against balancing the state’s budget by cutting the pay, benefits and collective bargaining rights of public workers is the boldest action yet by Democrats to push back against last fall’s GOP wave.

The 14 Senate Democrats left the state Thursday, delaying action in that chamber on a sweeping anti-union bill. Sen. Jon Erpenbach, who was among those who fled, said Friday that the group was prepared to be away for weeks, although he would like the standoff to end as soon as possible.”

This abhorrent behavior will surely disrupt the state at a time when stability and decorum is called for.

Even worse is the message that will be sent to youth including those who may be considering a career in government or politics.

That warped message being: Democracy is OK as long as you are in power and able to have your way. It, Democracy, is farcical when those with views contrary to yours are calling the shots.

Is that the sort of lesson that will help Wisconsin youth cope in a world where one cannot expect to always have his or her way?


John W. Lillpop

San Jose, California

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